50 Tips to Getting Things Done: Tip 38:

50 Tips to Getting Things Done: Tip 38: Tickler File: A set of 43 folders, labeled 1 – 31 and January – December, used to remind us of tasks we need to do on a specific day. For instance, if you have a trip on March 23rd, you’d put your itinerary, tickets, and other material in the “March” folder. At the start of each month, you move the previous month’s folder to the back. On March 1st, you’d transfer your travel information into the “23? folder. Each day, you move the previous day’s folder to the back. On the 23rd, the “23? folder will be at the front, and everything you need that day will be there for you. Visit http://www.ContemporaryArtGalleryOnline.com

50 Tips to Getting Things Done: Tip 36:

50 Tips to Getting Things Done: Tip 36: Unclutter: Clutter is anything that’s out of place and in the way. IT’s not necessarily neatness — someone can have a rigorously neat workspace and not be able to get anything done. It’s being able to access what you need, when you need it, without breaking the flow of your work to find it. Figure out what is “clutter” in your working and living spaces, and fix that. Visit http://www.ContemporaryArtGalleryOnline.com